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Author Guidelines

Guide for authors RHJ

Papers will be written in English, with a strong recommendation for an even number of pages: 4, 6 or 8, in Template Form (including tables, figures, and references).
Typing: You may use MS Word 2007, MS Word 2010, MS Word 2012.

Reviews: These provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research. Systematic reviews should follow the Publication Ethics guidelines and Guide for  authors RHJ.

The journal considers all review manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information.

For this category of manuscripts RJH has restrictions on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive and the paper corresponds to an even number of pages  (8,10, 12, 14, 16, maximum 20 pages). The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review.

PAGE SETUP: paper format is customized: 19.3 cm/7,6″ width and 28.0 cm/11,3″ height, margin settings of your word-processor: top: 2.5 cm (0.98”); bottom: 2.0 cm (0.79”); left: 2.5 cm  (0.98”); right: 1.5 cm (0.59”), use 0,7 cm/0.27″ for header position from top and 1.5 cm /0.59″for footer from bottom.

Font requirements: for subchapters – only Cambria font, bold, left alignment, Single Line Spacing, and the text will be edited with justified alignment.

PAPER TITLE: edited in lower letters, Cambria 16, bold, alignment centered. The title should describe the article’s content clearly and precisely.

AUTHORS’ NAMES: one space row from the paper title, edited in Cambria 11, bold, centered alignment, as follows: the given name of authors should be listed by initials. Initials are followed by  a period. If two initials are listed, do not include a space between them, but provide a space before the family name. The family name is always presented after the given name. The address of the  author may be in the language of the country, but spell out the country name in English. For multi-authored papers keep the affiliation of each author separately; when space permits, these can be  listed side by side; if not, underneath each other. If there are two authors, separate the author name by “and,” e.g. A.B. Smith and C.D. Jones; three authors would be A.B. Smith, C.D Jones and  E.F. Brown (the & symbol is not allowed, only the conjunction “and”) . Do not use footnotes in the by lines. If there are more than one authors and they belong to various institutions, they have to be marked with 1, 2, 3 etc. superscript for identifying the institutions they belong to (if all authors belong to one institution, they will be not marked). Please, do not mention academic title,  scientific position etc.

A.B. Yabra1, C.A Nutica2 and E.C. Bratu3  Cambria 11, Bold, Centered

1Institute xxx, City, Country;

2Center xxx, University xxx, City, Country;

3Department xxx, Faculty xxx, University xxx, City, Country., Cambria 11, centered

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR EMAIL: Please, mention the corresponding author email, at one space row down from the name of institutions, edited in Cambria 9, small characters, centered alignment and then two points, followed by the email address of the contact person, which will be edited in small characters and regular style (not in bold, not in italic and without hyperlinks).

Ex. email:

The abstract will be limited to 200-300 words in a single paragraph, all boldface, is required in all cases. Indent the first line of the abstract (1 cm), fond size Cambria 11, Single Line Spacing.


List five to seven key words not used in the title. The second line of keywords is a hanging indent (0.6 cm/0.24″); List five to seven key words not used in the title, font size 11, bold, Cambria for Keywords (Keywords: apple, pear) and font size 11,  one blank line after, Cambria for five to several words.

Keywords: fruits, fluorescence of chlorophyll, amplitude of fluorescence (Fv/Fm ratio), firmness, methods of storage.



  • The introduction should synthetically present the problem investigated, the background that explains the problem, the reasons for conducting the research, and the importance of the research work in the scientific world. The authors will refer to the main information and results flow existing in the field and they could state how their work differs from the published work;
    • The row starts right from the left margin, left alignment
  • Title will be edited in Cambria 11, bold, left, Single Line Spacing, one blank line after
    • The text will be edited in font size 11, Cambria, no indentation, justified alignment.



  • This section should be included in papers describing experiments but may not be required in review papers. Describe concisely the plant materials, the growing technique, methods used, and the lay-out of the experiments. Include the name of all chemicals and compounds. An indication of the statistical methods used to analyze data should be included.
  • The row starts right from the left margin, left alignment;
    Text should be “justified”, font size 11, Cambria, Single Line Spacing, one blank line after the text, no indentation;
  • Cultivated varieties which are the product of selection and/or breeding are to be referred to as “cultivars” and not “varieties”- Cultivar names are to be written in accordance with the  International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants;

If the name of the cultivar has 2 names, then the second name is written in lowercase.

Common names may be used for well-known plants once the scientific name has been provided (e.g., tomato, grapes, potato, rose,).



  • For title use font size 11pt., Cambria, Bold, left alignment
  • This is the heart of the paper. The section(s) may either be presented as a single section or divided into separate Results and Discussions sections. If separate, describe experimental results in  the Results section and reserve interpretations, speculations, and conclusions for the Discussion section.
  • The data are analyzed and presented in the form of figures (graphics, photos, maps etc), tables, and/or descriptions of observations. It is advisable to clearly identify any significant trends, to  present the relationship between the results and the original hypothesis, to compare your results with those of previous studies, and to suggest practical applications of the obtained results.
  • The text will be edited in font size 11, Cambria, no indentation, justified alignment, one blank line after the text



  • This paragraph will briefly present the results of the research. Conclusions will be concise and clear, no hypothesis and probability
    • The row starts right from the left margin, left alignment
    • Title will be edited Cambria 11, bold, left, Single Line Spacing, one blank line after
    • The text will be edited in font size 11, Cambria, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), justified alignment, one blank line after the text



  • This is reserved for journal paper numbers, source of funding, and name of project, if required
    • the title (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) will be written with in Cambria 11, bold, left, one blank line after
    • The text will be edited at one space from ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, in Cambria 11, no indentation (the row starts right from the left margin), justified alignment.


  • In this paragraph, the studied bibliography and citations in the text will be mentioned. It is advisable to cite the most recent papers that are relevant to your work.
    • The references must be written in alphabetical order by authors’ names, with the following elements: Name of authors, year, article or book title, review, volume, issue, publishing  house, locality, page number.
  • The given name of authors may be either written out in full or listed by initials. Initials are followed by a period. If two initials are listed, do not include a space between them but provide a  space before the family name. The family name is always presented after the given name.
    • Title (REFERENCES) will be written in Cambria 11, bold, left alignment, one blank line after.
    • references: autonumbered, font Cambria size 9, Single Line Spacing, indent: Hanging 1 cm/0.39″.
    • alphabetic order, Arabic numbers.

Format. Citations to references in the text are listed chronologically surrounded by parentheses with the following format: (Petra, 1990; Jones and Smith, 2018; Brown et al., 2019a). If there are  two authors with the same name that have published in the same year, initials may be used to avoid confusion.

Note: “et al.” is used for three or more authors. Citations to personal communications include the surname or initials of the person and are only to be included within the text, not in the Literature Cited section.

Title Literature cited should be boldface and “sentence case”. Literature cited should only include references used in the paper. List the authors in alphabetical order, letter by letter, and in  chronological order for publications of the same author(s). Do not use an issue number if the journal uses consecutive numbers for each volume. In all cases the initials follow the family name.  Initials are followed by a period. If two initials are listed, do not include a space between them. Use “and” after the penultimate author. If there are more than 10 authors in a publication, only list  the first 10 and include et al. thereafter. Publication year should be surrounded by parentheses, followed by a period.

References should be formatted according to Cell journal style. This style is available on all bibliographic management and formatting software like EndNotetm, ProCitetm, Paperstm, Zoterotm,  Mendeleytm and others. Use commas and write volume and page numbers as shown in the format that follows (Acta Horticulturae model):

Journal paper

1. Bergstrand K.-J., Asp H., Larsson Jönsson E.H. and Schüssler H.K. (2015). Plant developmental consequences of lighting from above or below in the production of poinsettia. Europ. J. Hort.  Sci. 80 (2): 51–55. (The text with Cambria 9, alignment justified, autonumbered, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm.
2. Joung Y.H. and Roh M.S. (2005). Mapping characterization of Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestriformis based on chloroplast DNA microsatellite markers. Journal of Forest Genetics. 12: 89-98. The text with Cambria 9, alignment justified, autonumbered, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm.


3. Castilla N. (2012). Greenhouse Technology and Management, 2nd edn (Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing), pp. 360. The text with Cambria 9, alignment justified, autonumbered, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm.)
4. Sansavini S., Costa G., Gucci R., Inglese P., Ramina A. and Xiloyannis C., et al. (2012). Arboricoltura Generale (Bologna, Italy: Pàtron Editore), pp. 536. The text with Cambria 9, alignment justified, autonumbered, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm.)

Chapter in book:

5. Biggs A.R. and Stensvand A. (2014). Apple scab. In Compendium of Apple and Pear Diseases and Pests, 2nd edn. The text with Cambria 9, alignment justified, autonumbered, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm.)

Chapter in conference proceedings:

6. Padulosi S., and Dulloo M.E. (2012). Towards a viable system for monitoring agrobiodiversity on farm: a proposed new approach for red listing of cultivated plant species. Paper presented at: International Conference on Farm Conservation of Neglected and Underutilized Species (Frankfurt, Germany: Bioversity International). The text with Cambria 9, alignment justified, autonumbered, Line Spacing Single, Indent: Hanging 1 cm.)

6. Food and Agricultural Organization. (2019).


Tables and figures must be embedded in the article. Captions are provided directly above each table and below each figure.

If the table or figure is not original, give the source at the end of the caption, e.g. Source: Mitrea et al. (2019).

  1. Tables
    • They are numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers, and aligned to the full width of the page. Thus, Table 1, Table 2, etc. and Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
  • Use tables sparingly, Cambria10, centered alignment and 6 pt. spacing paragraph after.
    • Titles of tables go above the table. Place all headings to the center of their column. The size of the table should not exceed the standard page width and length, but tables may be placed in portrait or landscape format. All large and with a lot of information table must be entered in the text as image configuration with a resolution of at least 300 dpi
  1. Figures

Figures include graphics, photos, maps etc., and will be included within the text and edited as follows:

  • Each type of the ones mentioned above has to have a number and a title (for example, Figure 1. Title), placed below the figure itself, edited in Cambria 10, alignment centered and 6 pt.  spacing paragraph before. Figure titles must be written in text, not included in the graphics. Be sure to include clear, sharp pictures with high resolution (at least 300 dpi). Do not use the MS  Word feature of text boxes to add captions, arrows, letters, or other text or objects to show in your figures, graphs or images because text boxes may shift around while editing the article.
  • Instead you should embed and hard-code any text or objects directly into the image, figure, graph or picture file before inserting it in your MS Word manuscript.

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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Privacy Statement

The information provided on the website of the Romanian Journal of Horticulture by the authors, such as names and email addresses will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.