Integrated nutrient management for sustainable cultivation of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in northern Ganges river floodplain soils of Bangladesh


  • M. H. Sohel Senior Lecturer Author
  • T. T. Tithi Faculty of Agriculture, EXIM Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh, Bangladesh Author
  • Md. F. Ali Faculty of Agriculture, EXIM Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh, Bangladesh Author
  • Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun Faculty of Agriculture, EXIM Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh, Bangladesh Author
  • Md. M. Rahman Department of Crop Botany, EXIM Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh, Bangladesh Author



integrated nutrient management, compost, vermicompost, trichocompost, profitability, sustainability


Diminution of land and a decline in soil health with fertility due to intensive agricultural practices are the limiting factors for sub-tropical agriculture. Therefore, Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) is an option to fight against the traditional farming practices by improving crop yields and managing soil fertility status for long term sustainability through the combined and careful use of all possible sources of plant nutrients. In this study, we, therefore, aim to investigate the effects of INM tactics to maximize vegetative and reproductive qualities of Okra under sub-tropical conditions. The entire study was performed in a pot experiment where replications were thrice with 12 INM treatments arranged in a complete randomized design. The results of our investigation revealed that combined application of inorganic fertilizer (75% recommended doses of NPK fertilizer) and 25% organic fertilizer (Compost + Vermicompost + Trichocompost) i.e., T9 significantly enhanced the growth of okra plants at different stages as expressed in terms of numbers of flowers, fruits, average fruit weight, 100 seed weight and yield plant-1. We also tested the physiochemical properties of the soil before planting and after the harvesting period. Profitability analysis was performed considering only the variable production costs. Our results suggest that the judicious combination of organic and synthetic fertilizers was more sustainable and productive than other studied treatments.



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How to Cite

Sohel, M. H.; Tithi, T. T.; Ali, M. F.; Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M.; Rahman, M. M. Integrated Nutrient Management for Sustainable Cultivation of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus L.) in Northern Ganges River Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh. RJH 2024, 5, 43-50.

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