The efficacy of some ecological insecticides against the defoliating larvae of Lepidoptera spp. on European plum under controlled conditions
eco-friendly, mortality rate, pest, phytosanitary treatments, Prunus domesticaAbstract
The European plum (Prunus domestica L.) is the most important fruit species in Romania, and the second most cultivated in temperate regions, after the apple. The plum is challenged by a number of pests and defoliating larvae from the order Lepidoptera, that can cause significant losses. Therefore, at Fruit Research and Development Station Bistrita (FRDS Bistrita), the efficacy of four ecological products: Oleorgan (0.3%), Laser 240 SC (0.06%), BactoSpeine DF (0.1%) and Konflic (0.3%), was tested under laboratory conditions in two consecutively years (2021 and 2022). The experiment was conducted on a sample of 50 larvae, the treatments were applied by spraying and observations were made over a four-days period after the application of the treatments. The results obtained highlighted the potential of some ecological products in controlling defoliating larvae. Thus, Laser 240 SC achieved an impresive result, causing a mortality rate of up to 80%. Also BactoSpeine DF demonstrated significant potential in controlling these pests, with a mortality rate of up to 50%. In contrast, Oleorgan and Konflic were less efficient in controlling defoliating larvae. Data collected over the two years laboratory experiments revealed the real potential of some ecological products under controlled conditions.
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