Effects of nutrient solution concentration during the nursery period on the growth of Stevia cuttings in hydroponic
medicinal plant, vegetative propagationAbstract
The effects of nutrient solution concentration on the growth of stevia cuttings during the nursery period in hydroponic were investigated. Cuttings were inserted in continuously aerated water, nutrient solution of 0.3 dS m-1, and nutrient solution of 0.7 dS m-1. Rooting of cuttings began on the 10 days after cutting. The rooting rate of cuttings under water and EC 0.3 dS m-1 reached 100% on day 13. The nutrient solution concentration during the nursery period did not affects rooting rate. At transplanting, best stem length and number of leaves were observed 0.7 dS m-1. The maximum root length was not affected nutrient solution concentration. At harvest, the shoot dry weight of 0.7 dS m-1 was significantly heavier than that of water. Survival rates after transplanting of 0.3 dS m-1 and 0.7 dS m-1 were lower than that of water. Despite some issues with the survival rate, the use of a nutrient solution during the nursery period in hydroponic of stevia could lead to more efficient production.
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