Behaviour of some Bulgarian plum cultivars in the pedo-climatic conditions of Pitesti – Romania area
Prunus domestica L., yield, fruit quality, blooming, ripening, Plum pox virusAbstract
In Romania and Bulgaria, plum is one of the most widespread species, both countries carrying out a large breeding program. ‘Stanley’ is the most widespread cultivar in the plum orchards from both countries. Although it is a very productive cultivar, further requested by farmers, it presents some defects such as the low fruit quality and the sensitivity to Plum pox virus. That is why in both countries an improvement of the assortment was imposed by creating new cultivars in their own breeding program, but also by introducing valuable cultivars obtained in other breeding centers from Europe. For this reason, researchers from both countries have changed biological material. In 2015, three Bulgarian cultivars were planted in a field trial from the Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti, Romania. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the behaviour of these cultivars in climatic conditions from Pitesti-Mărăcineni area. All Bulgarian cultivars were noted by good productions, large fruits with high soluble solids content, as well as by tolerance to Plum pox virus. These cultivars can be recommended for the extension in the commercial orchards from Romania, taking into account the requirements of the private fruit growers. Also, these cultivars can be used as genitors in breeding program.
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