The effect controlled release fertilizer on growth, flowering, and leaf morphology of Pulsatilla species
Controlled release fertilizer, juvenility, maturity, Pasque flower, Pulsatilla cernua var. koreana, Pulsatilla tongkangensisAbstract
The effect of 14N-6.2P-11.6K controlled release fertilizer (CRF) on growth, flowering, and leaf morphology during vegetative growth of Pulsatilla tongkangensis and P. cernua var. koreana (P. koreana) were investigated. Pulsatilla tongkangensis flowered earlier (26 to 28 days) than P. koreana (50 to 51 days) after natural low-temperature treatment. The highest number of flowers was observed in P. koreana (3.6 flowers) and P. tongkangensis (1.7 flowers) with 0.9–1.2 g of CRF treatment. The formation of a third rachis and leaflet is a unique characteristic observed in P. koreana. Two morphological types of P. tongkangensis seedlings, with either long or short petioles, suggests that seedlings with long petioles are considered putative hybrids between P. tongkangensis and P. koreana. The development of axillary shoots in P. koreana seedlings before overwintering, when seedlings received more than 0.6 g of CRF, suggests that the seedlings undergo a phase change from juvenile vegetative growth to mature plants. This is the first detailed report describing morphology of leaves and plants during growth of seedlings and development of Pulsatilla.
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