Effectiveness of active ingredients in controlling fireblight (Erwinia amylovora) in modern apple orchards
apple, orchards, fireblight, chemical controlAbstract
This study investigated the effects of different registered active ingredients aiming to control fireblight Erwinia amylovora Burill Winslow, in modern apple bearing orchards. Five type active ingredients and combinations were assessed as regard their protective effect against fire blight on the apples. Copper oxiclorure provided an average efficacy E% 78.74-80.81 Better results were obtained with copper hydroxide E% 80.70-81.66. The mixture copper oxiclorure+hydroxide displayed a superior field efficacy ranging between 81.45 - 83.91. Aluminum fosetyl, applied during the flowering period and fruit set provided an average efficacy E% of 90.70 -81.26. The other mixture tested fluopyram+aluminum fosetyl offered an average efficacy E% in fireblight control, within 91.20 - 93.18 especially on growing shoots and fruits. However, in order to increase the bactericides efficacy in apple crop protection, it will be useful and opportune additional researches, on new active ingredients complementarity, water quality monitoring, spray equipment calibration, and improvement of applications quality.
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