The effect of alternating temperature treatment on seed germination of Pulsatilla tongkangensi
dormancy, full seeds, germination rate, Pasque flower, X-ray imagingAbstract
The effect of alternating temperature on the germination of Pulsatilla tongkangensis seeds was investigated. Open pollinated seeds were wrapped in a moist paper towel for alternating temperature treatments. Seeds were sown in cells filled with Miracle-Gro Potting Mix and then topped with 0.5 cm of Miracle-Gro Seed Starting Potting Mix. The number of germinated seeds was counted daily until no further germination was observed for 3 to 4 days. The maximum germination rate (49%) was achieved in 18 days when seeds were treated at 22°C for 7 days followed by 5 °C for 7 days, and germinated at 20°C. The low germination rate could result from the inclusion of empty seeds. Mature P. tongkangensis seeds may not have a shallow physiological dormancy since germination was not improved with 14 days of 5°C.
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