lemon balm, micropropagation, growth regulators, multiplication, rootingAbstract
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalisL.) is a medicinal plant with a long history in traditional medicine. Classical propagation of this species is inefficient for establishing a good quality clonal plants. The aim of this work was to elaborate an in vitro propagation protocol for M. officinalis using apexes and uninodal fragments as explants. The highest multiplication rate (4.7 shoots/explant) was obtained on a MS medium supplemented with 3 mg/L BAP. A half strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L NAA was the most effective for in vitro rooting of lemon balmmicroshoots. Micropropagated plants transferred ex vitro showed normal morphology and 95% survival rate during acclimatization. The results obtained throughout the in vitro regeneration phases confirm that in vitro tissue culture is an efficient method for multiplication of M. officinalis.
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