Esca complex, Petri disease, excoriosis, Eutypa dieback, Transilvania vineyards, Minis and Sarica Niculitel vineyardsAbstract
The aim of this study was the identification the pathogenic fungi causing the grapevine trunk diseases (GTD) in some Romanian vineyards. Twenty-one samples of biological material (bark, canes, and trunk wood) were collected from Tarnave, Aiud, Minis and Sarica Niculitel vineyards. Petri dish culture method was used to grow the fungi, inoculated at the central point on the Sabouraud medium. Fungal species were identified by macroscopic and microscopic examination based on the morphological characteristics of fungal colonies developed on medium: the type and color of mycelian hyphae, the shape, color and size of spores. In the studied Romanian vineyards GTD were caused by: Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Stereum hirsutum, Diplodia seriata, Cadophora luteo-olivacea, Diatrypaceae sp., Phomopsis viticola and Eutypa lata, being associated with diseases, such as: Esca, Petri, excoriosis and Eutypa, identified by plate culture method and microscopic examination.
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