The management of Phomopsis viticola in Tarnave vineyards


  • V. Botea Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania Author
  • L. L. Tomoiagă Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania Author
  • I. Vasiu Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania Author
  • A. D. Sîrbu Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania Author
  • H. S. Răcoare Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania Author
  • V. S. Chedea Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj, Romania Author



Vitis vinifera, Phomopsis viticola, pathogen of grapevine, fungicide treatment, attack degree


Phomopsis viticola, in poorly managed vineyards, can produce a lot of damage due to its year-to-year infection pattern. In combination with a high spore reserve from the previous year, this causes reduced grape yields. This study aims to assess the Phomopsis viticola attack in Tarnave vineyards during May-July 2020. The data (frequency and intensity of the attack) was collected from Craciunelu de Jos, and the attack degree (AD) was calculated before and after the treatments applied to 'Saugvinon blanc', 'Riesling italian', 'Fetească regală' and 'Traminer roz' grapevine cultivars. The AD before the treatment with contact and systemic products had values between 27.80% and 4.10%, after the treatments of the first period (May- June 2020) the AD was reduced at values between 3.40% and 0.83% and after the treatments of the second period (June-July 2020) the AD had the values between 9.00% and 12.40%. In Tarnave vineyards, 'Fetească regală', 'Sauvignion blanc' and Riesling italian cultivars have shown a higher susceptibility to the Phomopsis viticola attack and Traminer roz' a lower one. The fungicide treatments administrated were efficient in managing Phomopsis viticola in vineyards from Transylvania. 


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How to Cite

V. Botea; L. L. Tomoiagă; I. Vasiu; A. D. Sîrbu; H. S. Răcoare; V. S. Chedea. The Management of Phomopsis Viticola in Tarnave Vineyards. RJH 2022, 3, 179-184.

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