The impact of some innovative technological solutions on the quantity and quality of the grape production
innovative solutions, pest control, soil maintenance system, fertilization system.Abstract
The experiment, carried out during 2018-2019 in Valea Calugareasca viticultural center, aimed to establish some innovative technological solutions concerning the vine phytosanitary protection, soil maintenance system and vine fertilization able to provide an increase of quantity and quality of grape production. The cultivars taken into study were 'Merlot' and 'Feteascǎ albǎ'. Compared to the classical technological solutions, the new solutions experimented on were the integrated protection system, the soil mulching and the permanent grassing as soil maintenance systems and the mineral and foliar fertilization at the level of DoEXP. The results obtained showed the positive influence on grape production induced by the soil mulching with marc compost, the integrated protection system and the mineral fertilization. These increases were differentiated according to the cultivar and the interaction between the technological solutions applied. Regarding the impact of the new technological solutions on grape quality, we can notice a significant positive effect on the anthocyanin content (in case of 'Merlot' cultivar) and only a minor effect on the sugar content and total acidity of the grapes. The use of permanent grassing, as a soil maintenance system, had a negative impact on vine productivity and grape quality, especially during the drought years. The only positive effect was an increase in the must acidity.
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