
  • M. Butac Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitești, Romania Author
  • M. Chivu Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitești, Romania Author




plum, cultivar, fertilizers, yield, fruits quality.


The aim of this study was to assess the yield and fruits quality of plum produced in ecological system.In 2019-2020 periods the influence of different fertilizers (Biohumus, Macys BC 28 and Cifamin BK) on yield and fruits quality at three plum cultivars (‘Centenar’, ‘Tita’ and ‘Stanley’) was carried out in a demonstrative plot from Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitești, Romania. Biohumus was applied to the soil in increasing dosesfrom 0.5 l/tree (respectively 415 l/ha), 0.7 l/tree (respectively 585 l/ha) to 0.9 l / tree (respectively 750 l/ha) in two moments: in spring before the start of vegetation and in autumn after the fall of the leaves.Macys BC 28 and Cifamin BK fertilizers were applied foliar in doses of 2 l/ha, respectively 1 l/ha, in two moments: after flowering and in the young fruit phase.As results of the investigations we found that: the highest fruit yield was obtained at ‘Centenar’ (47.36 kg/tree) and ‘Stanley’ (41.00 kg/tree) cultivars in fertilization variant 3 (Biohumus – 0,9 l/tree, soil application + Macys BC 28 – 2 l/ha, foliar application + Cifamin BK – 1 l/ha, foliar application);the best results regarding the fruits weight were also obtained in the 3rd fertilization variant (Biohumus – 0,9 l/tree, soil application + Macys BC 28 – 2 l/ha, foliar application + Cifamin BK – 1 l/ha, foliar application), among the varieties being noted the ‘Tita’cv. with an average fruit weight of 59. 14 g; the fruits soluble solid content was higher in the case of the fertilized variants than in the unfertilized variant and the fruits aciditywas higher in the case of the unfertilized variant than in the fertilized variants. 


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How to Cite

M. Butac; M. Chivu. YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY OF SOME PLUM CULTIVARSIN ECOLOGICAL SYSTEM. RJH 2020, 1 (1), 67-74. https://doi.org/10.51258/RJH.2020.09.

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