succulent, stress tolerance, ramification, traditional motifs, substratesAbstract
This article explores the use of Sedum species in landscape design, focusing on their adaptability to different pedoclimatic conditions and their ability to thrive in conditions of neglect. The article discusses the importance of understanding a plant's place of origin and natural habitat when considering its cultivation in a different area and the benefits and drawbacks associated with different types of substrates. Sedums are identified as an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy the aesthetic value of plants without the hassle of regular upkeep. The study investigates the growth and survival patterns of three Sedum cultivars in different growth media without additional watering or fertilization. The findings have the potential to provide insights into landscaping solutions and the evolution of these succulent species in arduous conditions. The study also explores Romanian identity and tradition by incorporating traditional motifs and patterns as mosaics into the landscape, creating a new style of landscaping. In addition to our main objective, we were interested in displaying an intricate landscape design to further illustrate the negative visual impact an un-cared-for outdoor environment can have.
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