Review process

All scientific papers submitted for publication to the ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE – RJH  are subject to a double blind review process.
For all papers an abstract has to be submitted for preliminary evaluation of the Scientific Committee of the journal.
Final fulltext of the scientific papers are submitted by the Editor to the Editorial Board for scientific review.
Only fulltext papers accepted by the Editor(s) after scientific review are published in RJH.
Contributions will be reviewed by 2-3 national and international experts in the given field. The scientific reviewers and members of the Editorial board are well-known experts in their field of activity (including academics, professors, senior lecturers and researchers).
The main objective of the scientific evaluation is for all the papers accepted for publication to have a high value of scientific content and bring significant and original contributions to the specific topic.

Reviewers will evaluate the articles based on the following criteria:

  • contribution should comply with the Guide for authors document;
  • journal requirements – structure, form, content, scientific relevance;
  • scientific contribution in the field corresponds to the topics of the journal;
  • the paper is original and brings new aspects, opinions, methods, contributions to the field;
  • careful experimental design (replications, controls, randomization, etc.) and adequate statistical methods of analysis;
  • clearly presented and argued results;
  • relevant and up-to-date bibliographical references.


Manuscripts that fail to comply with the publication requirements will be returned to their authors for further revision.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the submitted papers that do not conform to the standard scientific content according to the reviewers’ recommendations.
It is not the reviewers’ duty to operate any correction of the articles submitted.
The Journal editors accept no liability for the accuracy of the calculations, experimental data, views expressed or statements made by the contributors.

Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy and copyright of their contributions.
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been
published before; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors and the responsible authorities at the institution where the scientific work was carried out.
The author warrants that their contribution is original. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, electronic form (offline, online) or any other reproductions.