biostimulants, dormancy, GA3, germination, lavender.Abstract
Lavandula angustifolia Mill. is a perennial plant, which is part of the Lamiaceae family, it is known as a medicinal and aromatic plant, however in recent years it can be found as landscaping, cut flower, or even in the art of culinary. This majestic plant propagation by seeds is a slow, hard difficult stage, for this reason, new methods are needed. Biostimulants could improve seed germination percentage and time, and also could improve productivity and growth of the plants. This study aimed at the effect of GA3 on two commercial cultivars of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. Lavender seeds were subjected to three concentrations of gibberellic acid (100, 200, 300 ppm), under controlled conditions in the growing chamber. Under our experimental conditions GA3 improved the germination percentage and time of lavender seeds. It can be concluded that biostimulators, as gibberellic acid could have an effect on dormancy breaking of Lavandula seeds.
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